iOS 17 Edition Released

It’s here! Today I’m releasing iOS Access for All: Your Comprehensive Guide to Accessibility for iPhone and iPad. The book is bigger than ever, with two completely new chapters, each covering major new accessibility features of Apple’s mobile platforms. You’ll also find detailed descriptions of updates to the accessibility suite. The title says it all: this book not only covers all accessibility features of iOS and iPadOS, but addresses how a user can get the most from all system features and apps included as part of these mobile OSes.

What’s New

Along with complete updates to address changes in iOS 17, including the recent iOS 17.2 release, the book takes on three brand-new accessibility features from Apple: assistive access, live speech and personal voice. Assistive access is designed to assist users with cognitive challenges, by providing a simplified iPhone interface, and streamlined versions of several important iOS apps. Live speech allows someone who has difficulty speaking to type or store commonly-used phrases in their device, and have them spoken aloud when communication with others is desired. People at risk of losing their ability to speak can use personal voice to generate a synthetic representation of their own voice, which can then be used with live speech or with augmentative alternative communication (AAC) tools.

Along with these new features, the book addresses updates for iOS users with blindness, low-vision, hearing impairment and physical/motor access needs.

Get the Book!

I appreciate the many notes of encouragement ant anticipation I’ve received from people who have purchased past editions of the book, and those who wonder what it’s all about. It all keeps me motivated to produce the best work I can for you – a book that covers territory no other resource in the assistive tech or mainstream world can.

For the patient upgraders: If you purchased any version of the iOS 16 edition after September 18, 2023, your free copy of the new book is on its way.

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Apple Books edition